Thursday, July 5, 2012


No not Monty Python's Flying Circus.  It's HOT.  Really really.  And tomorrow is supposed to be beyond Satan's ball sack into another realm completely.  And the sadist that I am - I freaking love it.  But to be fair to all who have to actually function in it all the time who don't have low blood pressure or low blood sugar and aren't anemic (yeah me) and don't freeze their butts off in an office so cold I go outside to warm up (IN JANUARY!) My heart really does go out to you since I know I'm not normal.  I know that normal people stay inside if they have power and air conditioning (VA is still some without power from LAST FRIDAY) I know in stupid heat that normal folks go out on the water - though my pool DOES count as water and if I'm floating it counts right? But I love heat and eschew all things cold - (though frozen yogurt is the exception and frankly if I could live at a Pinkberry with Trinity my life would be complete).  I'm being very lazy tonight and I know the heat does have an effect since nobody really wants to eat anything - it really does slow you down.  I know the SOUTHERN cliches -  the slow driving, slow talking - slow moving.  I now get the drawl - ya'll are in no freaking hurry since Lord Jesus - it's too much effort to do ANYTHING fast.   But considering I'm from the NORTH - Lord - about as north as Canada - I also appreciate that it takes til July for our damn blood to thaw so we go mad all summer and then get ready to hunker down for the winter.  Summer in Wisconsin is reacquainting with neighbors you only saw when you shoveled their driveway - or in passing at the store- briefly. Summer is a frenzy of picking which party to go to since there are usually 3 each weekend and you need to decide who you love better or who has the better brats (TIM.) Summer is defrost and chill (funny yeah) fireworks shot off by drunk firemen - and sheepshead in the street on the bridge - it's rafting on the Wolf River and beer on a sandbar.  It's too damn short but watermelon sweet.

Summer in WI is f'n HOT and humid - though I would clarify - VA is more humid than ANY Wisconsin summer I ever remember and I'm an elephant.  It's hot here.  Stupid gloriously hot.  I feel human - empowered - though.  Maturity stepping in here.  I won't - I promise - run again - at 3 in the afternoon when it's 100+ out.  I really (confession here) almost passed out.  I've never had that happen but almost.  It was close to my hour mark and I nearly didn't make it.  I got scared by a car and the adrenaline woke me up.  I didn't run today.  Tomorrow I drag my sorry butt out in the am before it's 105.

There's a phrase to "Bloom where you are planted!"  I really like that since my lemon tree and I really really like it here.  I know it won't bloom since it's from a seed I started after a Black Piston party we had a million years ago in WI - we had corona's and lemons and I saved a seed.  It sprouted and it's now 10 feet tall.  Thorns  but no lemons.  It's pretty and it it reminds me that even from nothing you can get something if you give it time and love and water.  But it loves the heat and grows bigger every year.  I hope to someday put it in the ground or in a pot that won't need to come inside very winter.  I hope also to be somewhere where I won't have to come inside very winter.     Peace.

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