Friday, July 13, 2012

Hat's off to the

bull. or all things Pamplona. - encierro   Honestly. Ladies can we please pull up the proverbial bar stool and chat a bit on this.   Please?  Pour a wee Pint o' Guinness,  or twelve.  Cuz' I'm sorry - I don't get what freaking planet makes you think it's a good idea to try to outrun a freight train.  AKA a 2 ton bull.  really?  I completely get the world of really crazy scary.  I decided to procreate and have little being's protrude from my nether regions.  I had small humans poke out of me - and I still - continue to feed them though they are starting to become a sort of milk drinking borg collective - and are turning into big people!  freaky? - I know! right?

So - um there are no women who think - "hey - there are these bulls - really Nicole - I kid you not - like they wanna just do this - you in?"   HELL NO!!!  As a girl all I can think is Jesus - if this isn't the DARWIN awards in person I don't know what the hell is?  If you die - GORED BY a FUCKING BULL YOU ASSHOLE - at-the-very-least the bull's semen will continue and YOU - genius are dead.  Thank you.  

What small part of out-running a freight train of sharp pointy things that are aimed at your sorry ass - sounds fun? Okay wait - I'm a girl and I don't "GET it" - like logic escapes the vagina.  Lord.  I'm not apologizing on this in any way and though I would have been Hemingway's freaking wet dream (okay so just in my head since he's mine) I don't care how machismo you are - it's dumb in triplicate.  But if my dumb boy wants to do it (maybe) i have heard the shopping in Madrid is killer.  Wait.  I hate shopping.  UGH.  I'm just not right. i guess.

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