Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chopsticks Rock

Yeah.  Purple thumb thanks to the freezer at work.  6 weeks ago.  So random thoughts continue tonight.. . . Chopsticks.  Roger and I are kid-less for approximately 6 weeks.  This was a bad thing last year since I decided to have a total nervous breakdown.  Working in reverse order - My kids left me to stay with their dad and his new wife for the first time people didn't need me to exist, Roger's mom (who lived with us for a year and relied on us for pretty much every freaking thing and was hard to be with because I'd never met her before) died.  It was weird on levels I won't go into because I don't want to hurt Roger nor his sweet family but suffice it to say I still have nightmares.  We moved to VA because my sweet man lost a job - and then a great company YES IT'S FREDDIE MAC - moved us lock stock and lemon tree (yes it's thriving!!)  Thank you sweet JESUS they did that because we were going to lose our townhouse.  My son spent a month in "lock down hospital" because we really didn't know Aspberger's was real.  (sidenote - it is.) I met a man I fell in love with in 2 weeks after I filed for divorce on the love of my life - my (then)husband and I parted ways . . .  Whew.  Reverse isn't how my brain works.  really I'm only a forward thinker.  The past is so hard since - like a weed - it wants to stay rooted and since it's only our perspective it may (is) a bit skewed.

So chopsticks.  This year is the year of regeneration as I stated in a previous post.  I love the fact that this is actually printed on the chopsticks.  I quote, "tuk under tnurub and held firmly - add second shopstick hold it as you a pencil.  hold tirst chopstick in original position move the second ong up and down Now you tan pick up anything."  Omg.  that is beautiful.  I tan pick up anything because I've been eating with chopsticks (I'm so picky about what kinds I stock) for 15 years now.  Almost exclusively.  They really make so much more sense.  You pierce nothing and can eat hot and sour soup with nothing more than a spoon and sticks.  Or maybe it's the stick thing.  I'm a knitter.  I've actually knit with chopsticks.  It's kind of a something useful out of nothing that makes my heart beat faster.  noodles are kind of like stringy yarn . .  . yeah it makes sense.

so. this year.  Nobody goes crazy.  I'm both on it and floating.  I'm in a holding pattern of sorts but I'm going to school for a Master's degree in Adult Education and Training since really what do I like more than the sound of my own voice teaching?  If you've met me - that is too too freakin true.  I want to train adults.  And sweet B - a master's would get me a gig in our library system.  Thanks to you I know that now.  :D

These posts will also offer a challenge if you want.  Eat with chopsticks exclusively for a whole week.  It will slow you down if you have an issue with food ("Are you big boned?" aka fat?) or if you just eat too fast.  I used to not eat during the day and be starving and literally make myself sick because I would eat too fast.  Chopsticks at the start will fix that - short of soup I'm now just as fast.  Try it.  Get good at it and then switch hands- wait - don't  - you will starve.  LOL.  Love you all.  And if you get to make or see Fireworks - enjoy.

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