Wednesday, October 31, 2012

These are the people I know I know . . V 2.

As you might know -   if you have tuned in here -  for the last, geez,  I don't know -  like FOREVER - I AM done working for "The Agents of Horrible Darkness" (that is just their pseudonym -bravotangowhiskey) - In T-minus 7 weeks. (or sooner if Sir D gets me THE scepter to his kingdom of GOODNESS :D )

Though I do have a few regrets - in human form.  One being . . .


I can talk about him because he doesn't have me on facebook.  He is a human I would take a bullet for.   really really.

He makes me laugh.  gasp.  and Frankly - glad to be alive.  this is a man that makes $10.83  an hour DRIVES over an hour to work in good weather (and that is on the freeway at 90mph!)  - has 3 children the court awarded HIM and brings me fresh eggs because he knows I like them and he has laying chickens (shut up.)

Just today he asked me how to spell shhhhh.  I told him gladly and completely unthinking - ME!  OMG =  no thoughts just answered!  without being condescending.  - ME!!!!

I guess I just want him to feel loved.

I hate leaving him without mama bear.  (aka me)  Though I perfectly know he does NOT need me to live breathe or function on any level.  He has done just fine for so so many years.  Still functioning- still above the green. but really!!???   UGH!

maybe it's me that needs him.  ugh. sigh.  it is.  it is.

I need to be reminded that smart isn't always the best thing.  not always.  I can't help who I am.  And really?  He would never apologize for who he is.  He just is.  And is loved.  a lot.

Though to be honest - I DO want better for him.  If I owned an up and coming company - B, D, Goldberg, My Mom and Sarrah would be my first employees. Because I know they could be trusted.  Still working on THAT company.

Few - very very few humans worm their way or just really - get into my heart. PERIOD  Goldberg just is.  This man offers to buy me sodas.  He makes 10.83 and won't often take my dollar .05.  I want to wrap him up and put him into a package to lounge like on the beach - forever.

He is one of the 3 that can come into my office for a time out and just be.  for a long time.  no question.  open invite.  come on in baby.

I actually forget he's there.  He can just be.  still.  No talking.  nothing required.  He just wants a safe place to chill.  I love that I'm that place.  He makes me smile. I'm not kidding when I say he is not educated.  I want to cry when I know that this is an American Dad.  A Father who went through the AMERICAN school system a few years (several) after me and can't read.  He can't spell - can barely read basic English and it makes me want to cry.  He is not retarded (sorry - Cognitively Impaired is now the correct term.  Can't say he fits that - but who am I to say. I just love him.) though I am going to see if he is dyslexic (cuz I fix things and if I can Fix this and leave it would be so self serving I'll wanna kiss myself!) My guess is no.  though.  mostly he is just hills of Virginia and not educated.  makes me want to puke when we have illegal Hispanic kids getting a better education in two languages than he got in his own . . . . but that's another rant.

I will more than miss him and will not lose him.  He's my Goldberg and I will keep him.

Hey Sarrah .  . Shhhhhh :D

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