Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hey Kermit. You experienced?

Ok - I swore I would never be the parent that capitalizes on crazy things their kids say for fun or profit.  Yeah.  I lied.

The other night in the car Aislinn asked about something David Bowie was singing.  Labrinth is like her favorite movie (one of my top 10) so of course DB would be a source of major crushage.  I love him for that role and many many songs.  Then the conversation went on about who he was and what he meant to the music community.  I then commented that BOWIE was a music LEGEND.  Liam asked who else would be in that category. I said um um well.  Hendrix.  Jimi Hendrix.  Liam asked - Who is he and what has he done?  (okay he actually shouted WHO - WHO IS THAT?  and I rolled my eyes in the way only a loving parent would - when met with spawn who doesn't know who the hell Hendrix is? I mean really?  I feed you and you know NOTHING???????)

Though I'm sure here is what I would have said if I was a nonsarcastic bitch - "WELL SON - let me tell you."   I then whip out my phone and play Watchtower (written a-course by Dylan DUH mom! LOL) .  When Aislinn - chimes in.  "yeah duh Liam, Jimi Hendrix - he's the voice of Kermit."

yes.  soda did come out of my nose.  Jim Henson.  Jimi Hendrix.  I'd love to say honest mistake but . . . . Frankly too funny for that.

You can't make that up.

Much like the dinner I had a number of years ago with my dad.

I now quote the Father,  "I love that Bon Jovi, yeah that Bon Jovi is so talented."   um. huh?  Incredulous stare?  This is the pan flute loving man.  Jon Bon Jovi?  huh?  I asked, "dad, what does this Bon Jovi look like - um like that last concert you saw him in?"  "oh he's wearing a white suit and has an orchestra and has a mustache and long black hair."

Yanni?  Dad. Oh Jesus, Dad,  You like Yanni!!!!!

again.  You can't make that shit up.

I love my life.  :D

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