Sunday, October 7, 2012


GET LOST?  - I do really try to do that so so very often.  and it's becoming increasingly hard to do so.  I remember being a young married woman working At Tombstone Pizza just down the road from The "Egg farm living days."  I was really into my job because I came home to a dog.  and really as sweet as Bishop was - I came home to a dog.  period.
My own personal  Husband came home to a sleeping me because my day started at 4 am.  he worked second shift.  so began the leaving.  early on.  it began.  the ending began with the solitary existence.  I have found that being an island makes you alone.  duh,.  I know right?!!!   So began the long slow leaving.

but after the night. the morning comes.  and we wake up and it's new.
This morning was new.  as every new morning.  but so not.  it was new.  in a new - it's NEW sort of way.  quiet though.   change comes to me in that quiet way that I don't always see.  in the way my kids grow.  but more suddenly significant.

It's the sigh you know means change.  it's the "different" you spout but now really need to stand behind - the change you can't undo.  the done that is so so so so so so. real.  the walk away.  the change of focus.

I bought books today.  I never buy books that aren't cookbooks for my collection.  I NEVER buy books I don't give away.  I bought 3 today.  I know I will have time to read them.  My subconscious knows.  There will be time.  soon.

I wasn't gonna run today.  It was cold.  and rainy.  There were kid issues.  Nevertheless I put my shoes on.  my headphones didn't work. YET I still put my hoodie on.  things were working against me.  I pushed ahead.  I ran.  decided half way on - I may need to pee at some point in the trip.  So - hmmmmm.  Walgreens?.  Least invasive.  good.  done.  sweet.  let's get lost?  okay!  cool.  There actually are neighborhoods that support Romney!  OMG - we have a chance!  WOW.  I was elated.  There are people out there who haven't drunk the Koolade!!!!  So get lost in this world of wow!!!  I so did.  I ran and smiled.  and got more lost.

Running is an experience. mostly head - some heart and then physical.  Once you teach your physical to do as it's told to do - it's all  in the head.  getting lost is required now and then to keep it real.  I went farther than planned  but I know more where I live now to get too very far lost but it took me WAY out of my way.  The body was fine.  that makes me smile.

For me to get really really lost today - it's writing - music, sewing and running.  I lose hours in them.  Now I need to qualify - I was never actually LOST.  I had my phone with GPS.  I was safe the whole time.  I just wasn't sure "exactly" where I was.  I could have called in the cavalry at any point.  But I try to learn to rely on what SHOULD make sense.  Okay Manassas Roads don't make any freaking sense.  Nothing runs straight, plumb or freaking east west north south!!!!curves baby  nothing but dead ends and curves.  MADDENING.
but a good work out!  :D

My advise is to get lost now and then - in a good way.  lose yourself to something that makes you really happy.  You won't regret it.    Trust me.  - Would I EVER steer you wrong?

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