Thursday, September 20, 2012

Parts are NOT

Just parts.   There was a commercial a while back that that was the catch phrase.  I think it was for chicken nuggets.  ugh.

There are things that you can apply to certain parts of your person that OTHER parts would NOT appreciate quite as much.  Ben Gay.  Mascara.  Even Aspirin won't have the desired effect if not applied to the right part and in the right way.

What I guess I am trying to say is that the most effective drug,  best thought, or even Amazing person -  if misapplied, can spell disaster.   I know some really great people who could NOT be in worse jobs for them even if they tried hard to find them.  I cannot pretend that I don't act like a total knowitallbitch an awful lot.  And yet - shockingly,  I get PAID to be a knowitallbitch.  I just don't want to be a sitting knowitallbitch anymore.  I want to be a moving and grooving knowitallbitch.  so I got a part of it right.  and my boss lets me  hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahha  whew - needed a minute.  back now

 (right,  like he LET's me do anything oh man that's so funny.  bitches run that place - WORD!)

I know so many people who - if I were God or even an ANGEL with a bit of clout  - I would SO put them where I am certain they would freaking rock AND get paid giant sums of money to just do what makes them amazing.   But I am neither uber cool agent of angelic-goodness nor  - um, well Jehovah.

I'm just a girl from Winneconne, Wisconsin.  But - here's the part that just kills me.  I see things that are out of order - when I'm paying attention.  I see bad fits - partial fits and "SUPER ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"  sort of situations.  Here's something funny that I'm sure you may or most likely won't think is funny about me.  I have been in the Human Resources field for give or take a million years and I can read people.  I can read body language - I can read nonverbal cues and micro-expressions.  Basically - I can tell if someone is lying or believes what they say - more or less.  And I am plugged into something different and can just sense things. (FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK - I hear you all say.)  I get that a lot.  But I'm not perfect nor do I pretend to be.  I just get vibes and go on that instinct.  Sadly I am right more than I am wrong.  But what is the ONE part of HR I refuse to be part of?  wait for it.  The one part I LOATHE with every part of my being.  I've turned DOWN job offers to be part of this.
I hate it.
No -  I would rather chew aluminum foil.  why?  not sure.  But I KNOW it would be a BAD fit for me.  I hate it.  I sense bad fits and it kills me ESPECIALLY when it's a friend of someone important.  I hate saying you are WRONG about your friend's kid.   Or your friend.  or that person's friend.  It kills me because I hate saying I am smarter or more intuitive - but. well.  I guess I gotta stop that because I just am.  I haven't missed one yet.

The Authorities found a bag - a black bag - of "remains" on the train track in my current hometown of Manassas Park, Virginia - on the VRE (our local train that takes folks from DC to and from the other regions) the first reports were that the parts were human.  Shut down the train line for HOURS.  but as I stated.  parts are not parts.  Bloody mammal parts are NOT quite so serious when they are not human.  I guess nobody called PETA.  (sorry - was that bitchy? bravo tango whiskey - it was meant to be)

WE are all a part of something.  I'm a part of a lot of somethings and someones.  I try to be a contributing part.   I try to bring a part of what makes ME - the only freaking ME you will ever see (I said in my best Seussian voice)  to the collective.  I'm done with masking me.  I don't have a facade anymore.  I am still a very sensitive human but I've done a lot of skin thickening exercises so that a stern look from someone else doesn't send me into apoplexy any longer.

I guess I know a lot of people doing things and living in places or situations that are NOT what or where or with the person they want.  I so get doing things in a sacrificial manner or for reasons that are for the "right reason."  That is with thought.  Purposefulness.

A song comes to mind that I guess I HAVE to bring up.   Because for all points of reason it may very well be what it IS all about.

Put your left foot in.  put your left foot out.  put your left foot in and shake it all about do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around - THAT's what its. all. about. clapclap.

each individual part.  doing something.  doing what it was meant to do.  being purposeful.  That really really - no irony here.  that really is what we parts were supposed to sum up to.   sigma.

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