Friday, September 21, 2012

Lie to me?

wow.  is that a loaded question.  or what?  IKR?  My new favorite show is named as such.  I am not one to catch the new trend because I like to wait until MY timing is right.  I won't be held hostage to a show ON THURSDAY NIGHT.  so?  I'll watch it in 6 weeks if that's when I get to it.  Glee on TONIGHT!  so?  It bored me to death for the 2 seasons I graced it's presence.  It can wait. forever as far as I care.  though in a pinch with no Anthony Bourdain on the horizon I may get that desperate.

so.  I call bullshit on a situation I know in life.  Help me here fellow beloved.  When you see a lie - in FULL frontal in your life.  or MORE like the life of a loved one.  ugh.  do you say something?  when you've said something before.  when you've pointed out where it smells funny to you and seems "wrong" and this and that to the point in Latin  - "ad nauseum!"

So "Lie to Me" has made me a monster.  Okay - I was a bit of that without help - I just UNDERSTAND this thing more now.  I can smell a lie, taste a lie, and see a lie from a hundred yards - BUT be so wanting to believe your LIE that I'll just swallow that crap full on no question.  but that icky feeling I'm left with because I believed your lie will stick to my hands like gak.  (google it) Because I owned your stupid lie and it made me feel icky.  yeah - that's my life.  or rather was.  I don't own that shit any more.  and I feel great.  Lie to me.  Okay.  I now say (in my head because yes I still have a filter), I KNOW THAT was a lie.  I know right?  WHY was that so hard? Yet-  for ME it is space shuttle technology.  Iphone 6 kinda.  (and yeah -  I know)

But when you smell it on people?  when you hear it - when things don't add up.  Do you call them on it when it's not ACTUALLY you?  I'm such a well established knowitallbitch - that I just work it - but I try to work it for good and not evil.  frankly I try to work all my crazynastygoodness for good and not evil that I may need to start running goodandnotevil into one word.  this is frankly exhausting.

I personally have had so much to fix in my own personal personhood (yeah I just said that) that I ignored a lot of the activity outside of my skin.  This is one of the BIGGEST reasons I don't plan to do any marathons for a long while. They are too selfish for me.  I take too much time out of LIFE to do the one thing that makes me the most selfish person on the planet - I AM IN TRAINING FOR THIS MARATHON - I GOTTA RUN  - BYE - ugh.  really?  I become the uberselfish mom (oxymoron if I ever heard one)  Moms who are MOMS don't get to be selfish.  they pull your card if you are selfish.  I'm lucky I still have mine.  whew!

Still.  I don't know PRECISELY what THE lie is - exactly.  I just smell it. it smells like someone I love is going to cry.  going to cry in sadness that I can't fix beyond holding and mothering and loving in that unconditional way loving people who smelled it before you did and couldn't fix it except holding you after - sort of way.  yeah.

there is a reason God hates lies.  they hurt people because we are born wanting to trust those around us.  We are born trusting -  aka innocent.  it's only when the Liars come in that -  Paradise is Lost.

I can't fix this one - or really even comment since it's a deep deep thing.  lines are drawn and concepts are hard fixed ideas that won't be undone until it's SO clear that it's a surgeon's scalpel cutting out the dead tissue.

The THOMPSON Twins had it correctly and if you were a radio listening person in the 80's you will suddenly be singing:

Gotta love the 3 sets of feet in bed - IKR? :D apropos of nothing.  I'm sure.

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