Monday, September 24, 2012

I wanted to call this "You can't fix Teenager."

Then I realized you actually can - the curative is called time.  What you really can't fix is lazy or stupid.  My kids are not stupid though they may pull some really bonehead moves now and then (and really, what standing-vertical-taking-nourishment-human doesn't, on a random off moment?)  But teenager?  or worse TWEEN! ugh.  I love my children with all of the love that someone who carried them happily full term.  Really didn't gain weight - if truth be told I am thinner now than pre-kids.  Hate me all ya want but I used to have really really nice boobs and breastfeeding took all the piss right out of those girls.  Trade off?  I'd never ever look back.  I have the healthiest kids on the planet.  Though breastfeed exclusively - NO formula.  they also didn't get vaccinated til they were OVER a year and were not in a single day of day care.  Doesn't make me a better mom than you if you did differently with yours I just made my own choices based on what I thought was right. at the time.  I had them pretty much shackled to my side 24/7.  I exercised with them - literally - I did lunges holding them.  Ask them - they remember.  Were they a burden?  depends on what day you were to ask me.  Yes and of course No.  Are they a blessing?  resounding YUP!  giant pains in my ass?  SAME resounding YUP!  They are kids.  I don't know about you all (ya'll is what I really wanted to say) but I REMEMBER being that awkward kid who's friends mattered A MILLION times more than my family did.  I vividly remember my parents NOT GETTING ME - ugh - followed by the dramatic  - running to room - turning on the music as loud as I could and flopping on my bed - DRAMATIC sigh. UGH!  It really was yesterday.  Or so it feels.  I really don't know how to fix lazy.  That is another epidemic all together.  I know what the symptoms feel like - I've had it like a head cold every few years.  But I am not lazy.  In fact if truth be told I'm a little ADHD.  okay I'm a lot ADHD.  I just know how to control it because I'm smart and have learned how to control it.  Uncontrolled - I will really have 12 computer screens up at work and randomly finish and start them throughout the ENTIRE day.  No lie.  But it works for me and I get it done at the end of the day.  Though I try NOT to do that often.  Start and finish, start and finish, start AND finish - is my mantra.  But lazy?  no.  As Mr. Timothy Sullivan would say about me - "it is NOT in your nature to be neat." no, it's sadly not - I make messes - big ones.  BUT I follow it by cleaning a mean streak.  I can and do keep a clean house.  I don't really understand lazy.  Or maybe it's that I'm afraid I will understand it.  and become it.  Is that possible?  I've allowed myself to not exercise my body into a coma so therefore is lazy possible?  I don't think so because what I am seeing as this crack in the frenetic pace in my drive is this new thing I I choose to call WISDOM.    A little thing that only time seems to foster in those of us not BORN with it.  I wasn't born wise - just with an innate ability to remember minutia of ever color.  I was quite literally the sponge that soaked up everything around her and held it.  still.  Girl Scout songs.  yeah.  random poems from 6th grade.  yeah.  weird stupid facts about Greek gods.  check.  Antigone?  High School - 9th grade.  BTW - that was one of the best things for learning to pronounce New Testament - Biblical people because you learned how to pronounce Greek names.  just sayin.  (and if you read the name as Anti - GONE - like gone away - it actually rhymes with bony.)

So what I am saying is that I work with a lot of people who never left teen.  Never left Lazy.  Time didn't cure being lazy.  Lazy was just there as a personal trait.  That bugs me since Lazy rarely does a body good.  Ever.

I'm looking for suggestions actually since my 3 tend toward the unmotivated side of life.  Perhaps a dose of reality is in order.  Not sure what flavor that will have but I am ever the alchemist.  I am looking for gold here.  what parent isn't?


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