Saturday, September 22, 2012

I want to be like that - or not.

It's been in my cupboard for a long time.  I bought it at MY store.  The Korean/Indian/Hispanic store that didn't and STILL doesn't scare me - though I only speak spotty Spanish.  apparently I am fearless for food.  AND yes that WILL be a book title and NO you can't have it. :D

I have a memory first off.  Someone telling me about something that was as foreign as Un Peso back then.  A friend who is now super close to bone - who told me about Rice Paper.  It was not an edible story HE told me - but this substance has haunted my life since he told me in 1991.  Rice paper. wow.  It's the food symbol I thought I wanted to be.

Out of the package it looks like A very rigid BUT beautiful tortilla.  I'm not Asian = nor Hispanic.  check.

But here is where the magic happens.  put it into hot water.  Not only does it soften but it becomes completely pliable and soft.

I am a bit of the chameleon.  Always have been and really don't see immanent change coming.   This comes from being a dyed in the wool people pleaser.  Though - now I use that past to my advantage.  I know how to read what pleases people and use that.  Right - "How to win friends and influence people."  yup
I don't use it for anything but goodnotevil.  yeah that.

The thing about rice paper - though -  is that it doesn't actually TASTE like anything.  It's only the vessel.  It is completely devoid of being anything but the carrier - albeit an elastic and really freaking cool vessel  - for the ingredients you choose to stick within it's con finds and then wrap into contained coolness.  But as sweet as that is.  I want to - if we are using food as a metaphor - I want to leave a good taste in your mouth.

Okay every asshole I know - needs to NOW get their mind's out of the gutter and if I've kissed you - you know right?  LOL.

I'm not kidding of course since the sense of taste is so huge with humans.  Which is why our sense of smell is linked to so many things that we as "seemingly superior beings" don''t even know we are hooked into.  Mates for us ARE attracted by scent.  I can say this for 1,000,000,000,000 percent positive.  I don't care how many zeros but the two men I've been married to and had relations with - I can tell you - they could work in the yard - or do whatever - sweat HARD.  and they NEVER once smelled bad, repulsive or icky.  nope.  just musky.

BUT I have stood in line at Walmart and had to switch lines because the guy behind me STUNK.  Bad B.O.  ewww.  Then I looked at him and to my eyes he was physically NOT unattractive - but every other part of me was like "Ewwwww YUCKY on a plate!!!"  I had to leave.  Go figure.  I've heard similar stories of men about their spouses or partners -  Loved their personal smell  - all day.  just saying.  We are driven by these things.  God actually knows how to hot wire more than a car.

I wanted to be rice paper because it's so pliable but I refuse to be tasteless.  Oh I hear you all laughing - I can tell me a mean joke that is Badass.  yeah.  But.  When I've been with you all damn day -
I refuse to be a vapor trail.  I refuse to leave nothing but a vessel behind.  I am more than that.

Damn it! - end of day - I want to know that you remember me sweetly.  at least THAT I have to put out there.

I gotta do a quick kudos to my Trinity.  I randomly picked a radio in the Ambient category and after a minute I let her pick again.

Array.FM AltRock The Alternative Rock stream features a current heavy mix, and reaches back for a 90's classic every now and then.

THIS station freaking ROCKS IT!!!

if you are ITUNES heavy as we are.  2Iphones. 2 Ipads. 1Itouch. ONEGINORMOUS Mac. Plus the legion of laptops and desktops.  Lord.  I'm surrounded by techies!

not a bad thing.  No complaints.  I guess end of day - I want to taste like something good to those I encounter, converse and engage everyday.  I refuse to be boring.  just sayin

I want to be yummy.  :D

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