Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's all about SEX!

Yes, yes it is.  Okay before you shield your innocent - or in the case of anyone named Richard - not so innocent eyes - it is all about sex.  I have been clearly watching too many House reruns cuz "golly did you notice that slight misdirect as I lured you in" as Hugh would have said.  Tonight it was all about sex.  Female.  I worked tonight at the Community Center and if you really believe that the world was just some billion year old random chance experiment by monkeys and a typewriter you really are an idiot and deserve to endure a life in perpetual blindness and bitterness (oh sounds like someone I am related to) "don't worry I'm praying for your sorry butt!" but the collision of estrogen, God and a very very misguided 24 yr old was NOT my dear friends random chance.  It was in fact . . . wait for it . . . . GOD.  Who created sex and there we have it - back to the beginning.  Where there actually was a garden and two perfect people before it literally all went to hell.  okay you get it.   So tonight at work was something amazing.  Women of faith (I do really hate that cliche but it fits here okay) giving life experience of the best kind (you know the dirt on what really goes on when you hit the ripe old age of 40 and have some junk to account for) telling her straight on.  It's going to be a hard road for her and she already has two children.  God is good and that may be all the time but stupid is as . . . . and we all know life is hard but it's harder when you are - that's right.  stupid.  Her choices.  I got to share some stuff.  And it meant something.  My experiences meant something.  AND here's where it gets deep.  My sharing was not to change her because she's going to make her own choices.  I shared because I can.  And really I like this girl.  Misguided - seriously seriously misguided.  But again WAIT FOR IT . . . not my personal problem.  She's on my prayer list - but I don't own her.  WHEW!  Hey Kristen - maybe there's hope for my Boundary Issues after all. 

So where's the food?
Um well, since I worked tonight dinner was crap.  Frozen pizza and canned mini ravioli for the kids (yup I rock the Super MOM thing) I experimented and sadly it was crap too so really I won't share the garlic/red pepper/tofu SUPRISE with you since I could barely choke it down and I was starving.  I also thought about a "better than sex cake " since well I did sort of tease you with sex (course don't all women do that - you know - tease thing?) And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. . . . .  

did I just end with a Beatles quote?  yes - yes I did.  go figure.

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