Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bono Vox

I'm pretty sure that's bad Latin.  U2 may know.

I strongly DO NOT LIKE JK Rowling.  Yeah I know my own personal sister and the rest of the universe would take GRAVE offense to that statement but I really dislike her style of writing.  She - In my non-multibillion pound producing mind is very sludgy as a writer.  It takes me too long to read her because she's too hard to get through.  I don't like her "style" or more to the point -  "VOICE".   I read most of her first book and snored through it all.  I didn't really care what happened to Harry since it seemed she didn't either.  She - as most British writers - seemed to be somewhere else when it was all happening and Damn if they really didn't care all that much when they were there  ....  Now don't get this wrong.  I don't dislike British writers - no.  just her.

Now Hemingway.

A man who ran with the bulls

The war correspondent

A Man's Man. who could.

write like a woman.

He could get into a woman's head and write like she thinks.  Don't believe me?  Please read To Have and Have Not.  He understood and got it.  Prolly why he killed himself.  just sayin

So my sister and I nearly got into a fist fight over freaking Harry Potter.  AND - for the record I'd have kicked her skinny ass to the curb if it got that far.  She may be more educated but I can street fight.  :D

totally kidding. I'd have shanked her and hid the body.
I watch Criminal Minds.  I got this.

So knowing how I like voice and I like certain writers and I know what voice I personally have - My daughter is right now on this Percy Jackson thing and telling me how the the Movies suck compared to the books (as always - cough cough - the Shining) so ummmmmm hey Trinity - we have the whole series of books right?  Ok? OK!!!

Rick Riordan.  HOLY crap !!!   IMHO okay forget the H.  He's a billion times better writer than JK wishes she were.  If it didn't start raining on me I'd not have come inside.  Sucked in on page 3 !!!  WOW.

I guess my thing is when you find a writer you GET or don't get - you understand voice.  or more to the point - Don't understand voice.  I read really really fast.  A sludgy writer or someone I don't get slows me.  I hate that.  It's like reading a book in a language you knew but haven't used in 20 years.  It makes things super taxing and not in a good way.

OK - gonna go read now.  The Lightening Thief.  good stuff.  thanks Trin.

Oh and Happy Birthday to my gorgeous Son.  15 as of 10:20 this morning.  I remember it like it was 15 yrs ago.  :D  Thank you for being You 100%

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