Thursday, March 7, 2013

I coulda been a contenda ...........

so this has been an enlightening 10 week sabbatical.  I have learned a lot.  Like the fact that I like to work out.  a lot.  yeah.  I do.  It's kinda fun too.  sorry.  My triceps kill !!!  :D

I've also learned that this is a tough job market and if your resume isn't coated in f'n unicorn pee and glitter or dances on it's own or you don't have 4 phd's AND some special IT skill and speak fluent Mandarin and have a SPHR and a PMP with a minor in Engineering/Anthropology yeah, don't apply.

Oh yeah.  This is DC after all.  a VERITABLE GLOBAL market of people who are here,  but not really.  Super smart BUT from somewhere else.  I am smart but from America.  and white.  (Insert apology here)  If I was Hispanic/Indian/Black even with my same degree and background I would be unstoppable.  I know this.  but I'm a white chick.  I don't embellish my Resume.  Perhaps I should.   Maybe I'm suddenly from Dubai.  Not Manassas Park.  If I wore a burka would you hire me?  I am not bitter since I know who I am and know that I can create something from nothing really.  I started a sewing business in freaking ass poor Wisconsin that rocked.  I am currently living in the richest part of the US.  If I really really wanted to. .  okay game on.  BUT Do I really want to sew covers for couches in rich US of freaking A again?  not sure.  But I know I know what I know.  I can.  I'm good at it.  HELL i'm really amazing at it.  It's a skill I will never lose.  but it's not required today.  though I may send some feelers out.   I may do some marketing that will test the waters.

BUT.  there is one thing I know.  I do not want to sit for a living ever again.  I HATE sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day.  Honestly I would rather stand and check people out at a gas station than sit behind a computer and take hateful customers on the phone ever again.  UniF. wrecked my brain for a while.  I'm better.  I'd happily show someone where the toilet paper is or deck screws or freaking anything really.  I really do give good phone.  ask anyone.  But getting told I suck  - my people suck and anyone who knows me sucks because some lazy ass driver didn't deliver uniforms to his 2 man auto shop kinda killed my like of customer service.  It hurt my soul.  this 10 weeks has been a healing and awakening.  I remembered that I can do things.  I like things.  I'm, well, crafty.  and here's the cool part this time around.  I get to be.   There's no scorn, no derision.   I get to be crafty and like it.

(insert I'm sexy and I know it music)

I get to explore things and when I say explore - 90% of my exploration is epic fail.  I try things out and they don't work, so I rework and rework and scrap and try something else and they tell their friends and so on and so on and so on and well you get it.  I am an experimenter.  I got a ton of clothes from my UniF life that were going to go to a land fill.  SAD!!!  So I am cutting and trying to come up with something cool.  Maybe.  Or I give them away.  There are people who need clothes.  The landfill is pretty well full.  Nobody naked there.

So this is just the beginning.  I know that.  10 weeks is nothing.   I'm done apologizing.  I get to be me. Full fledged merit badge earned ME.  Frankly I would have to say it's about time right?  Stay posted cuz I have some cool ideas.  And I may need some of you. . . . :D

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