I have been both bulimic and anorexic. I'm not proud of either but they were who I was and part of who I am. We are all a product of our history as much as America is the Revolutionary War - The Civil War - the War of 1812 - and the coward assholes who are burning in MY PERSONAL VERSION OF HELL from 2001. I have been the phoenix - I am the phoenix - I have risen. ashes. They taste of the past. They taste of passion and hurt and things you maybe don't want to remember. But I know - like no one - that they taste like the past. Behind me. I forget nothing but forgive it all. I forgive because Bitterness rots your bones. God said it. Therefore I believe it. Simple as that. Call me a fool, but I'm not so dumb as to believe God is dumb. He kind of created it all so um. I'm an ant as far as HE is concerned - and yet He's concerned about my everything - so Yeah. I care.
But on the basic sense it comes down to two things. Are you a purger? or a hoarder? I travel light. I horde nothing. NOW don't get me wrong. I scored a Prada purse for 10 bucks at a thrift store. COOL. but I spent 10 bucks. Ask me if - it wouldn't cost me a thing and if I would be able to torch my house and move into an rv and travel the world? Hand me the gasoline . . . . nano second. it's stuff. I moved away from home at 17 and but for a brief 49 days (yes - 7 weeks ) moved back home to find my center - I've been gone from my home ever since - but for me home is where my red hair collects the most (my desk is pretty covered) Home is people. Not a place. Places change and so ultimately do people but people are forever. My sweet Barbara is my sweet Barbara regardless of place or state. She just is. Tanya is Tanya and David is David. Tim is Tim is Tim is Tim. Hey Erik. You are all you. You just are. Wayne is with Jesus and that makes me smile. BUT we just are. Jim is. Always will be. James you hold that place in my heart like no other - you are the WarMachine :D you always will be. And Sarrah :D I could say way more about the special people who I love but it just is. People live forever. Stuff burns. Get it? PEOPLE. we are the important parts. The mountain won't cry for you. The ones who love you and didn't get the full YOU. They will mourn you. The mountain won't care. Really.
But at the end of the day. I travel light. It's just stuff. My couch is covered in wax. Has been for about 6 weeks. My daughter doused it. Accident. Scared to get a new one. She's a bit too much like me. Yeah people matter but know what realm you step in for fear of a strange brew! She is chaos incarnate :D
I can say with all honesty I walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. But because I made some really dumb choices. That was MY bad. Not necessarily God's choice for me. I had some bad bad things happen early on that I only blame one human for. And that has come and gone on my scale of blame. I've done all the forgiving I need to. He's paid in spades. The Legacy stops here. Oh my child. . . . .
But forward. . . . My mistakes - misgivings and miss can't be wrong's...... That is all on me. I'm not super human and have been prone to a mistake or two. But. HUGE missteps? no. I make choices from here on out. I make my way. And the way for my people. I really seriously take that as gospel. It's heavy.
and really really light. Light as a feather. really. light. . . . . . . I will walk onto the fire until it's heat doesn't burn me - and I will feed the fire - and into the fire I am reunited I am the spark into the night I yearn for comfort . . . into the fire. . . it's all gonna burn so hold onto the eternal things. God and people. the rest? ashes. and they taste like the past. trust me.
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