Judging is the focus of my most recent book idea. It really is a huge thing with me since when we judge someone else it puts us into a very unique and arrogant position. DISCLAIMER! - I am absolutely NOT saying humans should never be in that position. I'm just saying that when you are - you better be certain your heart - conscience and life are in perfect alignment and if you have ANY thing and I mean ANY FREAKING THING to repent of - DO IT! Judging puts you where God stands. It puts you in a position of decision of the fate of someone else. Even if it's a merely a positional (think job) or stature thing and you are not deciding life or death it's still a big deal in the eternal realm.
So why the title?
Miami was a great time for me. It took me to a great place and also helped me see some things I knew about me but was ignoring. It was refreshing. God is awesome. Forgiving - benevolent - and supreme. Don't think anything slips HIS notice. YHWH's got it going on. I went to a Gospel Brunch with drag queens. It rocked. I laughed - sang - cried - clapped and GASP even worshipped a little. But start to finish - I judged NO ONE. It was so freeing. Or maybe that was the champagne that went with it . . . can't say.
BUT - this girl don't know everything. I know - shocking! Right? I don't have it all on paper - together - nailed down. Life is messy - I used to say "bring paper towel!" Now I say bring a freaking f'ton of bathtowels! Life is so simple but we make it so hard. Humans are dumb. There's a reason God calls us sheep so very often. We do so many dumb things on a regular basis . . . .
I'd like to have this amazing recipe for you - all I have is a bright red hand - think bleeding for my dinner . . . . beets rock.
"Judge not - lest you be judged."
That scripture always BUGGED me since it was usually wielded by a "non believer" to make whatever "the believer" was going to say - go away. Kind of like a cootie shot. But really it was just a statement from Jesus to "the Believer" to be sure they don't do anything in the world without making sure their personal plate was clean. People are watching. THE WORLD is watching you. HOPING - PRAYING even that you mess up so that they can then judge you for making a mistake because you are supposed to be perfect. Well, then. I've made so freakin many mistakes - bring on the parade of accusers.
BUT. the difference in me is I've been humbled. humility is unbeatable. I can go lower. Try me. I've been put in my proverbial "place" and yup - I suck. In spades. So judge me. please. If you are a Christian I'm telling you to make sure your motives and directives ARE TRUE - if you judge someone because of their actions or behaviors - be SOOOOOOOOOO sure you are right with God because HE really is the only perfect force here.
My hands are stained red and unless I pour bleach over them they are RED!!! There's a symbol for ya! I've been stained - and I prefer to think of it as THE Blood which covers me BUT then that's an EASTER message and not one for today - just get the fact that like in the book 1984 - Big Brother (aka the world) is watching and you need to be on guard.
The world is watching. Don't suck.