Very often a dish is more than just the sum of it's parts. Flavors meld - textures complement and the whole thing just works. This is the pie I have been thinking about making for weeks. I have a deep down love affair with Key West. My hubby is from Miami (as close to the Keys as anyone I know) and then there's the whole Hemingway thing. I just love it. I wanna not own socks! So Key Lime Pie has been on my mind for a long time. Yesterday all of the pieces just fell into place. Okay so that's not true I had to go to the store and buy the ingredients but the crazy international market I shop at had KEY LIMES ON SALE!!!! Helllllooooo sign from the cosmos to make this pie!
I rarely follow anyone's direct instructions and this pie is no exception. I didn't want that slimy topping I've had on some key lime pies I've had in the past so I combined my love of meringue topped pie with my dislike of wasting anything (you need egg yolks for the pie) and voila!
So here's how I pulled it off.
Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
5 eggs at room temp. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Put the Whites in the mixing bowl of your mixer. Remember it must be metal or glass and completely clear of all grease or fat. Utensils must be wood or metal as well for the whites or atleast not plastic and grease free.
1 can of Sweetened Condensed Milk Put in a mixing bowl with the 5 yolks and mix together.
3/4 cup fresh squeezed Key Lime Juice. Does it matter if it's not real key lime juice? Dunno haven't tried. Since these little suckers are so small I cut them in half and used my garlic press into a bowl. If you get seeds or pulp no sweat just strain later. Put the juice in with the milk and yolks and beat like crazy. Pour into the crust.
Make your Meringue! Turn your mixer on slow for the first little bit and then high until your whites puff up and get almost stiff. Add in about a cup of powered sugar and beat like mad til they are stiff but not dry. You want them to stand up but not be rock hard. Spread meringue over the pie and make sure you spread it to and even a little over the edges. Then bake for about 15 minutes - just watch your meringue since it burns very easily. Top with some slices of limes around the edges and enjoy. I need to make something out of the rest of the limes . . . . hmmmmmm lime and rum sound yummmmyy! Enjoy!
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